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Get To Know True Community

Get Involved

Here at True Community we offer several opportunities to get involved and make an impact. Click the link and let us know how you would like to get involved. 

What Do We Offer?

Our Wellness Services is focused on six areas of wellness; Mental, Physical, Financial, Social, Spiritual, and Emotional. We find it important to grow in all areas of wellness and by doing so we offer Wellness Wednesday's and our Wellness Accelerator. 

Our Training Services mission is to expand access to safety training in marginalized communities. True Community transforms the safety and health of our communities by finding innovative solutions for removing barriers and providing access to training resources. One aspect we are able to do this through is by offering a variety of CPR classes throughout communities.


For businesses and organizations interested in any of our services please schedule a consultation. Together we can make the work environment a safer place and improve the well-being of our community. 

"I took your class yesterday morning and am so thankful that I did. I was one of the first two that responded to a motorcycle accident this afternoon. This gentleman had a lot of bleeding and was in shock. I feel confident in the care I provided and was thankful that EMS arrived quickly. I honestly never thought I'd have to use my training (especially so soon!). I'll forever be grateful I knew what to do. " 

Alexa Young, CA

"I took your class yesterday morning and am so thankful that I did. I was one of the first two that responded to a motorcycle accident this afternoon. This gentleman had a lot of bleeding and was in shock. I feel confident in the care I provided and was thankful that EMS arrived quickly. I honestly never thought I'd have to use my training (especially so soon!). I'll forever be grateful I knew what to do. " 

Alexa Young, CA

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